Watch a game field side!

Come watch the excitement…Tailgate style

The best seat in the house is right here.

Watch a game field side!  Imagine thundering hooves racing twenty feet away from you at high speeds while you sip champagne or take a swig of beer. The chukker ends, the adrenaline settles, and you refill your glass, play a game of catch football or chase the little ones around the grass lawn.  At halftime, you'll walk onto the field for a divot stomp, where you help the players by stomping upturned grass back into place.

What should I bring?

You will park your car field side, then get comfortable. Here is a list of items to make you and your guests more comfortable:

  • Lawn chairs

  • Umbrella or some type of shade (many frequent spectators bring tents)

  • Cooler with drinks (no glass please) and food

  • Backyard BBQ games

  • Radio or music

What should I wear?

Shorts, flip-flops or casual sundresses are a all appropriate.

Can I cheer?

Absolutely! The louder the better. Pick a favorite team, player, or better yet a pony, and let them know you're their biggest fan. In fact, if you ask a player, they will likely allow to take a picture with them.